Wednesday, February 2, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings

The school year has begun, and I am building a version of a Tibetan prayer wheel for the class project. I am reinterpreting the idea of a prayer wheel, using western influences. I have settled on the form - I have not yet settled on the content. I was thinking of incorporating some Interfaith references, but then my teacher suggested I continue working on my seed theme from last semester. I haven't decided yet.

My friend Carlos brought his iPad to class to show us - very snazzy! - and told me that my rowboat had been featured on the college website. You can see it here. The prototype is now on sale at

And... I had a fantastic time at the 3rd New Mexico State Backgammon Championship. I have become a little bit obsessed with the game, and to have the privilege of sitting at the boards of some very nice people, and some master players, was very fun! I think I'll try to enter and play a tournament soon.

Plus, now there are all these ideas for backgammon jewelry floating around in my head.


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