Sunday, August 15, 2010

Failure is not an option!!

I am wax carving again!! I started yesterday, on one of the heart projects I have in mind.  A broken heart.

I saw my Little (Little Sister, I am part of Big Brothers Big Sisters and highly recommend it). I hadn't seen her in a bit, and school is starting, so I called her on Friday and we drove up to the mountains and took some photographs. I told her my idea for this project - she's 15 and probably the right demographic to buy it - and she liked it. So I started on it yesterday.

In case you don't know what wax carving is... I post an old example from last year:

xmas star in sterling silver

To make something that looks like that ^...

first you have to carve it out of wax, and it looks like this:

wax carving of xmas star
I carve things out of wax and then take them to the nice man and he casts them in silver for me.  I also have a moon in this series... visit my shop on etsy to see what's available.

Just the act of hauling out the tools relieved some of the tension I was feeling.  Pity parties suck.  I feel bad, then I feel bad about feeling bad, then I feel guilty about feeling bad about feeling bad.... potential for endless suckage.  I can only have U2 and Green Day on repeat for so long before the neighbors start complaining...

My Little failed algebra, so I have decided to learn it and then tutor her.  Failure is not an option!! I was terrible at math in school.  However, after searching the library and the internet, I found a GREAT resource for anyone who wants to learn math - Danica McKellars' math books.  The first one is Math Doesn't Suck: How to Survive Middle School Math Without Losing Your Mind or Breaking a Nail which I do not have yet.  I have the second one, the pre-algebra one - and it's fantastic!  Especially for girls...  I may go and purchase the first one this afternoon (I'm having the teensiest bit of trouble still with fractions and square roots.)

BUT!!!!  I can't believe it!  I actually am understanding math!!!


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