Friday, August 20, 2010


Whew!!  Finally got the other website done (at my other job) and so now I'm over the hump!  Woot!  Now there's just the marketing and the SEO and the updating........... ... .. .  oh.

Well, I should have more time for wax carving and artwork though!  I've already added a layer of color to the blue pear; I'm waiting for that to dry and then I'll add another layer.  I should count the layers.  I'm on... five?  six?  I'm not sure at the moment.  Next painting!  I'll be anal retentive and count!!

Hmmmm, I just realized, I'm doing what the kids do!  I volunteer at an art program in our local schools, and when we do paintings, the kids never want to fill in the background.  The teachers show them Matisse and tell them, "Fill in the background!"  The kids make these tiny little figures and leave all the white space and then scream out, "I'm finished!!"  Lazy monkeys...

I never fill in the backgrounds on my pears either.  Oh wait, that's not true.  There's a big painting of a pear in my living room, and the background is filled in.  But.... that's because it was done on an old canvas I got from a flea market or something, and it was under my bed for a loooooooooonggggg time... and it was covered in dust.  It was filthy.  I had to paint over it, and I just used the line that the dust formed as a separator.  It looks like the pear is sitting on a windowsill or something.

That's the only background I've done though.

Thinking about what I should be carving - I need a Christmas project to go with the star... maybe a camel?  Then I'm also thinking of putting the heart aside for a bit - save it for Valentine's Day - and working on some earrings inspired by seeds instead.  Which is odd, since it's harvest time...  oooooh, farmers market tomorrow!!

But I have a thing about seeds and beans... so seeds it is!  I think...


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